
Grand Final

  • 1
    THW take a separation job.
  • 2
    THBT we should prioritize policies that seek to help people currently alive over those that seek to protect future generations.
  • 3
    THBT individuals should only donate to charities that are scored highly by Effective Altruism.
  • Novice Finals

  • 1
    THW take a separation job.
  • 2
    THBT we should prioritize policies that seek to help people currently alive over those that seek to protect future generations.
  • 3
    THBT individuals should only donate to charities that are scored highly by Effective Altruism.
  • Novice Pre-Final

  • 1
    THBT parents should teach children to choose friendship instead of romantic love as the primary relationship of importance in their life.
  • 2
    THO the narrative that people should pursue doing something they love as a career.
  • 3
    THW abdicate.
  • Semifinals

  • 1
    In areas where abortion is legal and readily accessible, THW allow paper abortions.
  • 2
    THP the separate model to the concurrent model of women's sports.
  • 3
    TH, as the liberal feminist movement, would heavily invest in women-centric porn.
  • Round 5

  • 1
    THW allow victims to veto plea bargains.
  • 2
    THW allow individuals to sue the government when it has failed to provide a basic standard of living.
  • 3
    THS governments significantly increasing their use of big data-based predictive models in decision making to replace human judgments.
  • Round 4

  • 1
    TH, as Central Asia, W seek to form closer ties with China instead of the EU, in light of Russia's decreasing power.
  • 2
    THS the "Russian Interference" law
  • 3
    THBT developing nations should negotiate as a block (ASEAN, SAARC, AU, etc.) when negotiating trade deals with developed countries.
  • Round 3

  • 1
    TH, as animal rights activism movement, should adopt the ALF approach.
  • 2
    This House, as a vegan, would actively and persistently seek to convert those around you to veganism or vegetarianism
  • 3
    THBT governments should require that meat packaging include images that vividly and accurately reflect the experiences of the animals slaughtered.
  • Round 2

  • 1
    This House supports shareholder primacy in developing countries
  • 2
    THR the normalization of debt in the everday consumption habits of normal consumers. (Examples include but are not limited to credit cards and buy now/pay later programs that allow people to pay for medium-sized purchases in installments. Examples do not include loans for large purchases such as houses and cars, or payday loans meant for situations of exceptional financial need.)
  • 3
    TH believes that the state’s general economic approach should be to promote policies which seek to maximise net economic growth, even when it comes at the expense of structural unemployment (e.g. promoting free trade agreements and encouraging the automation of labour.)
  • Round 1

  • 1
    THBT environmental movements should support climate engineering that fundamentally alters the environment in an attempt to combat global warming
  • 2
    TH, as the environmental movement, would significantly pivot to advocating for nuclear power
  • 3
    THW lift patents on technologies designed to deal with environmental concerns